#CML Team

We offer only well-recognized and time-tested technologies to support any of your business goals


Meet our team

Oleksandr Shchetynin
Oleksandr Shchetynin
Worked in companies of different sizes, from successful startups to Fortune 500 companies, performing mission-critical responsibilities, developing and implementing high-tech IT solutions for a variety of industries.
Vlad Sikach
Vlad Sikach
IT Project leader with over ten years of experience in the FinTech industry managing delivery cycles for startups and enterprises. Specialties: IT Project Management, Quantitative Analysis, and Business Processes Development.
Volodymyr Gubarkov
Volodymyr Gubarkov
Focused primarily on backend development and infrastructure setup. Possesses solid object oriented systems design and implementation, system architectures development experience.
Basil Gorin
Basil Gorin
Focused primarily on smart contracts development, payments processing and security. Has strong experience with e-commerce software development and distributed storage systems.

Our Values

Our culture centers around 'GROWTH' — Guidance, Responsibility, Openness, Well-being, Teamwork, and High Quality. This isn't just an acronym; it's our mission. We're dedicated to fostering growth in all areas, supporting the advancement of our team, partners, and clients. Each value represents a commitment
We offer mentorship, challenging tasks, and support, aiding each team member in reaching personal goals and ensuring collective success in launching client products
We take great pride in our work, knowing that every line of code, mockup, test case, or other deliverable is crucial in shaping the project's future
We value clear and open communication within the team and with clients. Every idea and piece of feedback is essential, ensuring everyone is well-informed
Engineers are first-class citizens on our ship. We're committed to creating a supportive environment that allows them to thrive and deliver value
We quickly jump on board and work closely with other team members and managers, learning from diverse perspectives and building strong, collaborative partnerships
assets/images/svg/shield-done.svg-High Quality
High Quality
We strive for excellence, continually seeking to improve and deliver superior results. Our creative and adaptable approach ensures clients receive the utmost value and outcomes

Grow with us!

If you have excellent ideas to implement, reach out to us . If you want to be a part of a proactive and friendly team, check our vacancies.


Early beginning
CML Team co-founders started participating and winning different hackathons
Hackathons gathered, shaped and created the company as it is now and brought some very first quite exciting clients and partners
With CryptoTax founders in Munich, one of our first clients. With Translit founder in Lisbon on Web Summit
We grew over the years both in expertise, man power and successfully accomplished projects
In spare time we still participating and winning hackathons with our colleagues to pass over passion to design and implement challenging projects that tackle a wide range of problems that the world has
Crises such as crypto winter, pandemic and the War made us stronger, skilful, and adapted to market volatilities. Our team grew extensively
Our clients with the development support we provide raised over a billion dollars all together and made thousands of their customers happier
Write your story with CML Team Limited

Client's review

Jenya Edelberg
CML Team LTD’s efforts have significantly improved the client's operational efficiency and ticket resolution processes. The team is highly efficient from a workflow standpoint, and internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with the service provider's technical proficiency.
Jenya EdelbergCo-Founder, Arcsec Digital
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review on Clutch
Iván Melo
CML team is the perfect partnership. Always ready to provide assistance and fast communication so we can focus on the product. We deliver the features and designs we need to the development team and they implement it in the stage product and when is ready without bugs update the main product. The development process is very good and on time.
Iván MeloCEO, Sensato Labs; CTO, Miactivo
Magnus Berchtold
Throughout the years, they are showing total dedication to us. Since 2018, we've been working with CML Team LTD, and they still provide the same amount of dedication to helping the client succeed and valuable guidance to accommodate issues and questions.
Magnus BerchtoldCPO & Co-Founder, Blockpit AG
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Guntram Kieferle
We are happy with CML Team’s work even though quantitative metrics aren’t available yet. The team has managed the engagement well, meeting deadlines and budgets transparently. In addition, their people are highly responsive and provide solutions to the company whenever they face challenges.
Guntram KieferleCo-Founder, FYNTS
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Miha Grcar
Since CML Team LTD joined the project, the first version was successfully launched. They are dedicated and talented, assisting with every issue and client inquiry. Moreover, the team uses scrum methodology for project management, constantly communicating with the client about the progress.
Miha GrcarManaging Director & Co-Founder, Sowa Labs GmbH
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Sergey Royz
CML Team supported us with backend and blockchain development. They have quite a diverse expertise in technologies such as Java, Spring, and web3j and profound knowledge of the crypto industry. In a matter of weeks, CML Team was able to build a POC microservice and then polish it to perfection over the next month. This key microservice is already in production, allowing us to scale even faster and win new markets.
Sergey RoyzChief Technology Officer, Swipelux OU
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Georg Holzer
We are satisfied with the outcome of the project. We were most impressed by the team's broad and profound expertise in various tech stacks and programming languages. We're looking forward to more exciting and challenging tasks together!
Georg HolzerCEO, xamoom GmbH
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Klaus Himmer
In a few weeks, CML Team could understand all the complex business logic behind our product and rewrite crucial backend parts in a proper solid way. They implemented missing functionality and polished the product to a production-ready shape. We have worked with them for over four years and are pretty happy with the agility, quality of the services, and insights they provide.
Klaus HimmerCEO & Co-Founder, 21 Consulting GmbH
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Jonah Rifkin
A while ago, I worked with CML Team co-founders at Alice Platform, where they were key system developers. Besides many things, I would say that the most impressive about the CML Team is their delivery speed, professionalism, and profound expertise in web3 and blockchain development.
Jonah RifkinCOO, FODL Finance
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Joris van Hoytema
CML Team LTD has successfully built the software, and we use it daily for a smoother map-drawing process. In addition, the team has shown their expertise and communicated clearly with us.
Joris van HoytemaOwner & CEO, Woonmodule BV
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John Butler
CML Team has leveraged a deep technical background to tackle new system development requirements. Their work is crucial to the overall project's success, and they're meeting those needs.
John ButlerFounder, Sophophilia Studios LLC
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Wouter Smeets
In just three months, CML Team LTD successfully developed the app - with an updated UX design and additional features. The team was communicative and dedicated to the app's success during the engagement. Currently, the app is downloadable from the Dutch Google Play Store and the iOS App Store.
Wouter SmeetsCo-Founder, Prototype You vof
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Alex Honcharuk
The microservices that CML Team LTD built allowed the firm to scale much faster and win over new markets. The team managed the engagement well through agile and scrum methodologies. They created well-organized timelines and milestones. Their perfectionism enabled them to deliver a great product.
Alex HoncharukCTO, Blocksport AG
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Ivan Vasylchenko
CML Team LTD developed a functional platform that streamlined business processes. The team worked efficiently, meeting tight timelines. Their flexibility was also noteworthy.
Ivan VasylchenkoCOO, Trade Republic Bank GmbH
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Nadya Tereshina
I've worked with the guys over my chatbot idea, and they delivered all the jobs on time and were responsive to the feedback and changes I requested. Maintain the bot if there is a problem. What I found particularly significant is that someone from the team is always available and reachable to correct the issues.
Nadya TereshinaProduction manager, a.k.a. Media
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Oleksii Bogachov
CML Team LTD successfully introduced the product to the market. The engagement allowed the client to create a new business configuration and re-launch the application. Not only did they regularly communicate with the client, but they also used their expertise to support the project's success.
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Eugene Kochkin
CML Team LTD showed impressive work in the Etlworks project. The process involved gathering requirements, checking feasibility, assessing dependencies, and more. Since they remarkably delivered, the client extended their partnership and leveraged the team's technical expertise.
Eugene KochkinCEO, ProFIX Co.
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Alex Chernenko
CML Team LTD’s work was met with positive acclaim, as they delivered a fully-functioning app. Project management is always listening and attentive. They are customer focused and go miles and beyond to deliver what client wants.
Alex ChernenkoCEO, TRANSLIT
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Derek Gorney
CML Team has elevated our gaming platform with strategic improvements in performance, UX, and engagement. Their blend of technical proficiency, clear communication, and a forward-thinking approach has been instrumental in our project's success, showcasing their ability to meet complex challenges effectively.
Derek Gorney Cofounder Diversify Games USA
Jenya Edelberg
CML Team LTD’s efforts have significantly improved the client's operational efficiency and ticket resolution processes. The team is highly efficient from a workflow standpoint, and internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with the service provider's technical proficiency.
Jenya EdelbergCo-Founder, Arcsec Digital
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review on Clutch
Iván Melo
CML team is the perfect partnership. Always ready to provide assistance and fast communication so we can focus on the product. We deliver the features and designs we need to the development team and they implement it in the stage product and when is ready without bugs update the main product. The development process is very good and on time.
Iván MeloCEO, Sensato Labs; CTO, Miactivo



Feb 2020

JELBI [Berlin]. We built a PAC, park, and commute platform that allows citizens to benefit from the public transport system without losing precious time. In addition, it allows saving money on parking and unloading the city's busy districts.


Mar 2019

CODEVSCOVID19 [Zurich]. We built a COVoIDer, an app that allows citizens to book a time slot for visiting stores and places. Backend scoring system for each citizen to request tests quicker and lower the risk of contamination. COVoIDer security app allows personnel to validate the eligibility of visitors. Backoffice for healthcare personnel to access their patients' data.


New Client!

Feb 2019

Blockchain Hackaton [Stuttgart]. We built a "Relathereum" - an Ethereum-based platform and mobile app that allows you to find a place to stay and refresh. The smart contract tracks the condition of the capsules.


48H hack on a moving train!

Nov 2018

HACK THE TRAIN 4.0 [London]. We've built a geo incident solution for the Great Britain railway. It is a real-time network delay estimation and visualization tool.


Nov 2018

EOS [Hong Kong]. We have built a GitChain, a decentralized version control system. It allows developers to receive financial rewards for their contributions. The first step is allowing developers to share license rewards with active project contributors. Step #2 is to build a new decentralized git client, so you will never need to rely on a centralized platform. It will change how future generations of developers think of open-source.


Met Vitalik in person

Oct 2018

CRYPTOLIFE [Prague]. We built an iScream, a peer-to-peer services marketplace on the https://status.im/ platform. At its core, a smart contract marketplace allows parties to negotiate the terms. It also keeps a historical record of all the transactions.


Jul 2018

ANGELHACK [San Francisco]. We built a Liveyourlife solution that allows freelancers and people on the go to live a healthier and more balanced life without harming their productivity and leveraging mobility. We used sophisticated AI algorithms to build optimal routes concerning time, money, and calories spent.


New Client!

May 2018

TechCrunch [Paris]. We have built a blockchain platform for autonomous cars called Ridechain. So why do we need blockchain here? 1. Access control. You don’t need to rely on the third-party car-sharing app anymore! With blockchain, a smart contract can easily grant or revoke access to a car for a person you trust. 2. Historical data. The second smart contract stores all data about issues and accidents. Blockchain, by its nature, proves that this data is not corrupted. 3. The last smart contract is about payments. Based on GPS data sent to the blockchain, your car will pay your bill wherever you pass a toll or stay in the parking lot. Next time you decide to buy such a second-hand car will be sure you know everything about it. We believe autonomous cars with blockchain will build a great future for us! Drive safely, help friends, and pay securely with Ridechain!


Apr 2018

HACK BELGIUM [Brussels]. We proposed an AI solution, 2PARC, that allows finding a free parking spot in real time. Intelligent peer-to-peer parking platform. It navigates drivers to the closest and cheapest parking spots nearby. It uses existing infrastructure - CCTV cameras are utilized. It reduces traffic, pollution, and time spent while looking for parking. Citizens can make a profit by installing IOT sensors.


Met Mike Butcher

Feb 2018

ELEVATE [Kyiv]. We pitched our side project FlyWise. A P2P platform that brings travelers and shoppers together. Travelers earn money by delivering goods, and shoppers can buy unique or cheaper products from other countries. We've run the Google Design sprint process to check hypotheses and build prototypes. Finally, we presented Flywise in front of 500 startups partner Marvin Liao and Mike Butcher from Techcrunch.


Dec 2017

IMPACT FINTECH [Poland]. We collected critical feedback on the "AIRouting" and "Churn API" projects.


Dec 2017

TechCrunch Disrupt [Berlin]. We build a solution that finds you the best location to live in Berlin. It considers your food, shops, sports preferences, and transport availability. As a result, we were among the shortlist of teams who won tickets to the TC Disrupt Conference.


Winners in PSD2 and SME tracks

Nov 2017

BANKATHON [Berlin]. We built Airouting SAAS. A recommendation engine that efficiently routes card payments to payment service providers. Our solution leverage sophisticated AI algorithms to achieve optimal routing. As a result, Airouting won in PSD2 and SME tracks.



Nov 2017

INSURHACK [Cologne]. We created a blockchain solution E-Invest. It reduces the risks and costs of insurance from natural disasters. In addition, E-Invest allows crypto-investors to earn money by participating in reinsurance and open-sourced the code.


Best Use Case

Jul 2017

BREAK THE BLOCK [London]. We won in "Best use case" nomination with the "ICOsurance." It is an insured ICO crowd sale protocol. The protocol provides insurance for investors from cyber-security attacks.


Second Place

May 2017

LEGALTECH [Kyiv]. That was our first Legal Tech Hackathon. We took second place with the "Safeproperty" bot. It checks the legal risks of purchasing a property still under construction. We leveraged open government data (OpenDataBot API).


The very beginning

Nov 2016

BOTHACK [Berlin]. We built a music recommendation solution in the chatbot. The bot will find and play the best song on Spotify that fits your current mood. We were the only team who did a successful integration with Amazon Alexa. The bot will propose relevant concerts around.


First Place

Sep 2016

SMART TECHNO We participated and won in Kyiv Smart Techno Hackathon and won. It is a "Party Animals" chatbot that provides free entrance to Kyiv nightclubs 24/7.


Feb 2020

JELBI [Berlin]. We built a PAC, park, and commute platform that allows citizens to benefit from the public transport system without losing precious time. In addition, it allows saving money on parking and unloading the city's busy districts.


Mar 2019

CODEVSCOVID19 [Zurich]. We built a COVoIDer, an app that allows citizens to book a time slot for visiting stores and places. Backend scoring system for each citizen to request tests quicker and lower the risk of contamination. COVoIDer security app allows personnel to validate the eligibility of visitors. Backoffice for healthcare personnel to access their patients' data.


New Client!

Feb 2019

Blockchain Hackaton [Stuttgart]. We built a "Relathereum" - an Ethereum-based platform and mobile app that allows you to find a place to stay and refresh. The smart contract tracks the condition of the capsules.


48H hack on a moving train!

Nov 2018

HACK THE TRAIN 4.0 [London]. We've built a geo incident solution for the Great Britain railway. It is a real-time network delay estimation and visualization tool.


Nov 2018

EOS [Hong Kong]. We have built a GitChain, a decentralized version control system. It allows developers to receive financial rewards for their contributions. The first step is allowing developers to share license rewards with active project contributors. Step #2 is to build a new decentralized git client, so you will never need to rely on a centralized platform. It will change how future generations of developers think of open-source.


Met Vitalik in person

Oct 2018

CRYPTOLIFE [Prague]. We built an iScream, a peer-to-peer services marketplace on the https://status.im/ platform. At its core, a smart contract marketplace allows parties to negotiate the terms. It also keeps a historical record of all the transactions.


Jul 2018

ANGELHACK [San Francisco]. We built a Liveyourlife solution that allows freelancers and people on the go to live a healthier and more balanced life without harming their productivity and leveraging mobility. We used sophisticated AI algorithms to build optimal routes concerning time, money, and calories spent.


New Client!

May 2018

TechCrunch [Paris]. We have built a blockchain platform for autonomous cars called Ridechain. So why do we need blockchain here? 1. Access control. You don’t need to rely on the third-party car-sharing app anymore! With blockchain, a smart contract can easily grant or revoke access to a car for a person you trust. 2. Historical data. The second smart contract stores all data about issues and accidents. Blockchain, by its nature, proves that this data is not corrupted. 3. The last smart contract is about payments. Based on GPS data sent to the blockchain, your car will pay your bill wherever you pass a toll or stay in the parking lot. Next time you decide to buy such a second-hand car will be sure you know everything about it. We believe autonomous cars with blockchain will build a great future for us! Drive safely, help friends, and pay securely with Ridechain!


Apr 2018

HACK BELGIUM [Brussels]. We proposed an AI solution, 2PARC, that allows finding a free parking spot in real time. Intelligent peer-to-peer parking platform. It navigates drivers to the closest and cheapest parking spots nearby. It uses existing infrastructure - CCTV cameras are utilized. It reduces traffic, pollution, and time spent while looking for parking. Citizens can make a profit by installing IOT sensors.


Met Mike Butcher

Feb 2018

ELEVATE [Kyiv]. We pitched our side project FlyWise. A P2P platform that brings travelers and shoppers together. Travelers earn money by delivering goods, and shoppers can buy unique or cheaper products from other countries. We've run the Google Design sprint process to check hypotheses and build prototypes. Finally, we presented Flywise in front of 500 startups partner Marvin Liao and Mike Butcher from Techcrunch.


Dec 2017

IMPACT FINTECH [Poland]. We collected critical feedback on the "AIRouting" and "Churn API" projects.


Dec 2017

TechCrunch Disrupt [Berlin]. We build a solution that finds you the best location to live in Berlin. It considers your food, shops, sports preferences, and transport availability. As a result, we were among the shortlist of teams who won tickets to the TC Disrupt Conference.


Winners in PSD2 and SME tracks

Nov 2017

BANKATHON [Berlin]. We built Airouting SAAS. A recommendation engine that efficiently routes card payments to payment service providers. Our solution leverage sophisticated AI algorithms to achieve optimal routing. As a result, Airouting won in PSD2 and SME tracks.



Nov 2017

INSURHACK [Cologne]. We created a blockchain solution E-Invest. It reduces the risks and costs of insurance from natural disasters. In addition, E-Invest allows crypto-investors to earn money by participating in reinsurance and open-sourced the code.


Best Use Case

Jul 2017

BREAK THE BLOCK [London]. We won in "Best use case" nomination with the "ICOsurance." It is an insured ICO crowd sale protocol. The protocol provides insurance for investors from cyber-security attacks.


Second Place

May 2017

LEGALTECH [Kyiv]. That was our first Legal Tech Hackathon. We took second place with the "Safeproperty" bot. It checks the legal risks of purchasing a property still under construction. We leveraged open government data (OpenDataBot API).


The very beginning

Nov 2016

BOTHACK [Berlin]. We built a music recommendation solution in the chatbot. The bot will find and play the best song on Spotify that fits your current mood. We were the only team who did a successful integration with Amazon Alexa. The bot will propose relevant concerts around.


First Place

Sep 2016

SMART TECHNO We participated and won in Kyiv Smart Techno Hackathon and won. It is a "Party Animals" chatbot that provides free entrance to Kyiv nightclubs 24/7.


Feb 2020

JELBI [Berlin]. We built a PAC, park, and commute platform that allows citizens to benefit from the public transport system without losing precious time. In addition, it allows saving money on parking and unloading the city's busy districts.


Mar 2019

CODEVSCOVID19 [Zurich]. We built a COVoIDer, an app that allows citizens to book a time slot for visiting stores and places. Backend scoring system for each citizen to request tests quicker and lower the risk of contamination. COVoIDer security app allows personnel to validate the eligibility of visitors. Backoffice for healthcare personnel to access their patients' data.


New Client!

Feb 2019

Blockchain Hackaton [Stuttgart]. We built a "Relathereum" - an Ethereum-based platform and mobile app that allows you to find a place to stay and refresh. The smart contract tracks the condition of the capsules.


48H hack on a moving train!

Nov 2018

HACK THE TRAIN 4.0 [London]. We've built a geo incident solution for the Great Britain railway. It is a real-time network delay estimation and visualization tool.


Nov 2018

EOS [Hong Kong]. We have built a GitChain, a decentralized version control system. It allows developers to receive financial rewards for their contributions. The first step is allowing developers to share license rewards with active project contributors. Step #2 is to build a new decentralized git client, so you will never need to rely on a centralized platform. It will change how future generations of developers think of open-source.


Met Vitalik in person

Oct 2018

CRYPTOLIFE [Prague]. We built an iScream, a peer-to-peer services marketplace on the https://status.im/ platform. At its core, a smart contract marketplace allows parties to negotiate the terms. It also keeps a historical record of all the transactions.


Jul 2018

ANGELHACK [San Francisco]. We built a Liveyourlife solution that allows freelancers and people on the go to live a healthier and more balanced life without harming their productivity and leveraging mobility. We used sophisticated AI algorithms to build optimal routes concerning time, money, and calories spent.


New Client!

May 2018

TechCrunch [Paris]. We have built a blockchain platform for autonomous cars called Ridechain. So why do we need blockchain here? 1. Access control. You don’t need to rely on the third-party car-sharing app anymore! With blockchain, a smart contract can easily grant or revoke access to a car for a person you trust. 2. Historical data. The second smart contract stores all data about issues and accidents. Blockchain, by its nature, proves that this data is not corrupted. 3. The last smart contract is about payments. Based on GPS data sent to the blockchain, your car will pay your bill wherever you pass a toll or stay in the parking lot. Next time you decide to buy such a second-hand car will be sure you know everything about it. We believe autonomous cars with blockchain will build a great future for us! Drive safely, help friends, and pay securely with Ridechain!


Apr 2018

HACK BELGIUM [Brussels]. We proposed an AI solution, 2PARC, that allows finding a free parking spot in real time. Intelligent peer-to-peer parking platform. It navigates drivers to the closest and cheapest parking spots nearby. It uses existing infrastructure - CCTV cameras are utilized. It reduces traffic, pollution, and time spent while looking for parking. Citizens can make a profit by installing IOT sensors.


Met Mike Butcher

Feb 2018

ELEVATE [Kyiv]. We pitched our side project FlyWise. A P2P platform that brings travelers and shoppers together. Travelers earn money by delivering goods, and shoppers can buy unique or cheaper products from other countries. We've run the Google Design sprint process to check hypotheses and build prototypes. Finally, we presented Flywise in front of 500 startups partner Marvin Liao and Mike Butcher from Techcrunch.


Dec 2017

IMPACT FINTECH [Poland]. We collected critical feedback on the "AIRouting" and "Churn API" projects.


Dec 2017

TechCrunch Disrupt [Berlin]. We build a solution that finds you the best location to live in Berlin. It considers your food, shops, sports preferences, and transport availability. As a result, we were among the shortlist of teams who won tickets to the TC Disrupt Conference.


Winners in PSD2 and SME tracks

Nov 2017

BANKATHON [Berlin]. We built Airouting SAAS. A recommendation engine that efficiently routes card payments to payment service providers. Our solution leverage sophisticated AI algorithms to achieve optimal routing. As a result, Airouting won in PSD2 and SME tracks.



Nov 2017

INSURHACK [Cologne]. We created a blockchain solution E-Invest. It reduces the risks and costs of insurance from natural disasters. In addition, E-Invest allows crypto-investors to earn money by participating in reinsurance and open-sourced the code.


Best Use Case

Jul 2017

BREAK THE BLOCK [London]. We won in "Best use case" nomination with the "ICOsurance." It is an insured ICO crowd sale protocol. The protocol provides insurance for investors from cyber-security attacks.


Second Place

May 2017

LEGALTECH [Kyiv]. That was our first Legal Tech Hackathon. We took second place with the "Safeproperty" bot. It checks the legal risks of purchasing a property still under construction. We leveraged open government data (OpenDataBot API).


The very beginning

Nov 2016

BOTHACK [Berlin]. We built a music recommendation solution in the chatbot. The bot will find and play the best song on Spotify that fits your current mood. We were the only team who did a successful integration with Amazon Alexa. The bot will propose relevant concerts around.


First Place

Sep 2016

SMART TECHNO We participated and won in Kyiv Smart Techno Hackathon and won. It is a "Party Animals" chatbot that provides free entrance to Kyiv nightclubs 24/7.


We attend best tech and industry specific conferences to know all the trends and learn from the ecosystem leaders so that we can build your products even better

Collision is "America's fastest-growing tech conference." "Olympics of tech" - Politico; "A confluence of start-ups, venture capitalists and investors"​ - USA TODAY; "Investors attended in droves looking for that gem in the rough, and gems there were"​ - FORBES.
The world's most influential tech event, proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators.
Slush is a not-for-profit movement on a mission to help world-changing founders globally since 2008. It brings together over 15000 brilliant founders, investors, operators, executives, media, and talent.
TechCrunch Disrupt is a five-day conference of tens of thousands of attendees in San Francisco. It regularly features the world's leading minds in venture capital, technology, innovation, and startups — like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, Marc Benioff, and Marissa Mayer.
Money 20/20 was founded in 2012 by Payments and Fintech veterans from Google, TSYS, and Citi.
Web Summit is one of the biggest and most popular global tech events. Over 100000 attendees, four days, topics like AI, blockchain, smart cities, IoT, data protection, sustainability, etc.
The largest tech conference in Asia, RISE features 500+ speakers and 25000 attendees from more than 100 countries.